Wednesday, October 25, 2006


Why do they call them mixtapes still when they're on CD's?

Monday, October 16, 2006

Storm Drain

If a guy uses Viagra, should it be somethin he tells his gf/wife/lover?

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Rictor Goes Crazy


I gotta choreograph Transitions for a medley

I gotta choreograph for CSO class which is next friday

I gotta choreograph for Funks class which is next sunday

I gotta choreograph for "the Project" and teach them on the 3rd of Nov.

Geezous Crimony!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Random Rant

Is it truly possible for someone to write or even speak about how love & life are?

If no one is perfect...... And we're all unique......
Wouldn't that mean, no one has a perfect life nor a perfect romance?

If no one is perfect...... And we're all unique......
Wouldn't that mean, that no one has the exact same life or relationship?

Then how does one get the right to preach at seminars?
How does one reserve or gain the right to be able to teach, preach, educate and brainwash all at the same time?

No one knows you better than you.....
You're not perfect.......
You're unique.......

Who's gonna tell you how to live your life?

You are.............

Shit's deeper than the bermuda triangle. [Note: this is a freestyle rant]