Back on the grind
[production UPD8]
After some time off with production. I am back on the grind. I got a boat load of music to go through for samples. I am currently doing that. I also got a possible project to create music for this indie movie. The movie is focused around dance and they are looking for original music to be used for their dance scenes.
[production RANT]
This movie project is starting to show it's true colors. The project is rushed and they have not explained any cost or prices they can afford. It's sketchy to me since I am to be making music for their project and then they possibly pay me. I am going to provide samples instead of full tracks for this movie project. We'll see!
[dance UPD8]
I have been just focusing on conditioning. Going back to the basics. Once I feel I am back in decent shape, I will be focusing on my bboying and choreography. I am looking to try a new take on choreography as well as a new flow with bboying.
[dance RANT]
Looking at the state of bboying lately, it looks very similar. There isn't as much of a distinct difference with dancers. It reminds me of the UFC, it's not how it used to be when you would have someone in a Gee fighting a wrestler in spandex.
A lot of bboys are well rounded now a days. Usually mixing bits and pieces of each thing they can do. Almost like show and tell. I really want to get back to having a 'home'. Something which is mine and I'm known for, then mixing it with all the other things which are common amongst the scene now.
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